TC2 Restauration Project - A complete beginner's experience

  • I may have missed it , but are you actually using an automatic choke or a manual choke?

    if automatic, did you initialize the mechanism, i.e. fully kick down the throttle once?

    if this is done, the throttle is set to be at a defined gap afterwards, which also means that it is NOT resting on the throttle adjustment afterwards.

    Did you check this?

  • I will do all the tests with the carb and the spark tomorrow if the weather allows it.

    As for the electrical pump on the photo, it was never in use. The old owner put it on the fuel line but never connected it, so when I replaced the fuel lines I just removed it from there.


    Its a manual choke

  • Gude Zanzibar how many Kilometer did you drive the car?

    Check the engine oil level on the stick and coolingwater level in the radiator, are the levels okay and no little sea under your car?

    Do you lost your ratchet on the crankshaft, it makes a funny sound…..

    Before you turn the next screws on left, put the carb together and make a little video from a sparkplug with spark while cranking with starter. Then look to the next step/problem

  • Another thing Jörg told me in his mail (thank you, Jörg, your eyes are a lot better than mine ...) :la:    :biggrin

    There could be bad connections being made which will fail sooner or later
    (I reckon SOONER)

  • Good afternoon.

    Today i cranked the car without spark plugs, put them back in and it cranked nicely again, no strange noises.

    After that I tested the fuel pump which - doesn’t work. As the fuel was up to the carb and in the lines before, this is probably new.

    After that I did the check light test. First to 8 TDC and then the test - Initially it was off and then i turned it to the moment when it was just switched off the dissy was precisely at spark lead 1 - a bit off the centre.

    After that I reconnected everything back and tried to crank it. I sipped in just 5-10 ml into the carb. Throttle opens carb nicely.

    Cranking Video

    Here is what happened. Also smelled like something was burning for a second - dissapeared very soon. Battery leads were not hot.

    Oil level is good? And coolant topped up.

    The fuse box is Well connected now, those Are old photos. I checked all the wiring. The only worrysome one is at the + of the battery.

    In the meanwhile, I also noticed that the (hand)brake on my rear left wheel doesn’t work. One more thing to check out 😁

  • First impression from the video:

    Most assumingly the ignition timing is slightly too early so that the piston is still on the way up und is being stopped by the pressure building up in the cylinder.

    In addition the battery is not really charged well and I would do this first ... Charge it and try again (pour a very little fuel into the carb NOT MORE THAN 1cm³ which is about a thimble filled with fuel). If you get the same result, for a quick (and dirty) test I would repeat the timing procedure NOT with 8° before TDC but with 4° before TDC, which is the first deeper mark to the right from TDC. Then repeat the test whether the engine will fire ...

    If it fires you can temporarily try to connect the electrical fuel pump instead of your mechanical one ...

  • Will do 👍

    The red cable was for a hifi system in the back. I disconnected the system but forgot to remove the cable.


    I only drove the car some 200 km

    When I bought it, the owner Said he rebuilt it 3000 km ago but as the car was also dormant with him for some time it has been several years since that.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Zanzibar ()

  • Maybe it would be a good idea to post a video of your spark plug cables producing sparks over a distance of roughly 10mm when cranking the engine, Jörg proposed that a bit further up ... Best will be to put all four cables side by side and fix them for example with clothespins in a distance of 40mm to each other and 10mm from a blank part of the engine.

  • Good morning

    As my day of moving is coming closer, I have less and less time for the car as I also have to repaint and clean the appartment.

    The battery is recharged and I’m gonna pick it up today. Still waiting for the fuel pump to arrive.

    I arranged for the car to be towed to my mechanic nearby on monday. He will fix the handbrake and a few other stuff. Hopefully I get it to run by then.

    Anyone have any idea which parts have to be ordered - its a 229mm.

  • When will you move house?

    Re Brakes: This is the larger brake system (there were 8" (203mm) and 9" (229mm) which means the inside dimension of the drums. When you order brake shoes the width is a thing to look at because Ford has produced different systems. Always buy parts with "brand names" as Ate, Jurid, Beral, Textar, Brembo, Ferodo, ... as these will not damage the drums and do brake sufficiently ...

    The brake cylinders should only be changed if they are leaking. New parts are available but very often of inferior quality, to say the least ... I would always prefer some NOS or OEM parts instead of any chinese junk that will not even last for one or two years ...

    The cylinders are available in different diameters and sometimes stamped numbers define the diameter in mm or in inch. So measure the diameter of the brake pistons without the rubber gaitor carefully prior to ordering as otherwise you might change the brake balance considerably.

    Don't forget to order suitable brake fluid. OEM brakes got specifications DOT3 or DOT4.

    The springs and other nuts and bolts are also available in sets, however, again prefer original NOS / OEM instead of Chinese bling bling ...

    Fingers crossed, keep us informed!

  • Thank you for the advice, I found a few things and ordered. Should arrive next week. I’m still waiting for the fuel pump (should come on monday-tuesday) before i try to run it.

    I am moving on the 3rd but I will be returning here every month to so some errands so that removed a bit of stress when it comes to the fixing up.

    Otherwise I cleaned the seats and tomorrow I will start reassembling the car. Hopefully there will be no screws missing and I hope I remember how to put the side view mirrors back in 🤣🤣

  • Today I started changing the wheels and general cleaning. It should have been done by now but… he he he

    The old owner drilled into the part where the bolts go in order to be flexible with Bolt patterns - so i can use 4x108 and 5x whatever. It has been a nightmare setting them. Taking a lunch brake and going to get some brake cleaner along other stuff.

    I also noticed a leak under the exhaust. I tracer this a bit up to the fuel lines where i took a finger of it and looks like its coolant. I forgot it used red coolant.

    Its leaking from the pipe that goes from the radiator to the plastic below the windshield.

  • Sounds like before and, as miguel assumes like a battery that is almost dead ... If you recharged it to "fully loaded" I suspect an issue with the starter cables, starter motor or earth connections ...

    This car really wants to give you a hard time ...

    If life gives you lemons ... order Tequila ... :rolleyes

  • If one of the 6 Cells inside the Battery is defective the Charger stops charging with the Info fully charged. Or every cell is sulfatized then you won’t get the needed current for cranking the motor even if the voltage shows a fully charged battery.

    Just spend 40 or 50€ for a new battery to get rid of one problem. Than chase for all the others.

  • Problem is the new batteries Are 70-80€ for weak ones. After charging it was 12.9 on the multimeter. Just 20 minutes before i tested the fuel pump and it was cranking nicely without this sound. Possible some of the cables got loose when I was working at the car so going to check that again.

    I think soon enough I’m just gonna say “whoever can turn it on, gets it for free” 🤣

  • All we can guess derives from your video and that sounds like not enough power at the starter motor. If this lack of power is because of a weak battery or of a faulty wiring is still to investigate.

    Do you have access to a multimeter? A cheap one ist good enough to check how the voltage drops directly at the battery poles during cranking. If the battery is ok and full it should not drop below 10 Volts. If this is true check the voltage between positive pole and positive bolt at the starter. During cranking there should be no voltage above 3 V.