Hi guys,
update is that i have found a person traveling that way on Monday, so if you could please acquire a mobile number from seller so I can contact him - it will be much appreciated!
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Hi guys,
update is that i have found a person traveling that way on Monday, so if you could please acquire a mobile number from seller so I can contact him - it will be much appreciated!
DC, rufst Du dort an? Ich komme am WE auch in die Gegend dort. Falls nötig.
Am already in contact. First idea was having Mr Bale collecting that gearbox. Just to secure and prevent others from being the hedgehog.
Yet been waiting for those two people making appointments.
But new sit. Great!
Will the traveller speak german?
Please drop me a personal message through here.
Hi DC,
sent you a private message, person who will pick up the gearbox speaks some German,
Gearbox has arrived to Zagreb, thank you all for your help!!
Hoo Ray!