liegt hier noch, erst 45tkm
Bis Ausbau geräuschfrei,
mit Bremse
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liegt hier noch, erst 45tkm
Bis Ausbau geräuschfrei,
mit Bremse
noch mal hoch
nun mit bildas
Hi Dulle,
do you know is the same rear differential in both axis - fire brigade and ambulance. I think in my twin wheel fire brigade MK1 is 5.83, and I would like to replace it with 4.63 - possibly in ambulance or bus version of van.
This is donor MK1 1973 that i have and need to check the diff ratio for potential installation in fire brigade MK1 1970.
fire=the shortest one for v4
ambulance=mid range
thats the reason i changed to ambulance axle and this one from the firetruck is for sale
it is possible, but problem is to calibrate the diff (i never did that)
thats why i changed the complete axle
result: 15km/h faster with same u/min (max speed)
It is for sure possible to change only the gears inside the axle. It‘s rarely done because normally you need quite some experience and special tools. In Germany this equals to a lot of money when you can find somebody who is willing to do this.
Ring gear and pinion are also in the prefered ratio not very often for sale. A lot of people with ex fire engines are searching for the 4.62 ratio. If you know someone who‘s skilled enough to change ring gear an pinion you may also search for those parts.
Thank you for sharing!
Die Achse kann nun im Achsenparadies abgeholt werden.
Sie fühlt sich gant allein zwischen den ganzen Granadaachsen und würde sich freuen für einen recht geringen Preis abgeholt zu werden. Die Bremse wohnt auch noch bei ihr.