nàbend allerseits. Ich möchte hier mal eure Einschätzung zu einem Verkaufsinserat bei einer britischen Verkaufsplatform einholen. Man kennt ja die typischen Methoden der Abzocke und ich frage mich, ob ich bei folgendem Sachverhalt Gespenster sehe, oder meine Einschätzung, daß es sich um einen fake handelt, begründet ist. Angeboten wird ein 50ger Chevy, der für seinen beschriebenen Zustand sehr günstig ist. hier Auszüge aus dem mailverkehr zwischen Verkäufer und meinem Kumpel Brian, der für mich als "native speaker" die erste Anfrage gestellt hat. Zur Info, der Chevy ist in der Annonce ca. 100km nördlich von London angesiedelt.
i'm calling on behalf on my friend here in Germany who is interested in buying your car. He has a few questions first though.
you have already stated that the car is moted, road tax & the log book is present.
My friend would also like to know if there would any problems to drive the car from England to Germany?
Does the car have any rust?
Is it a private sale or are you trader?
Has there been any restoration work done on the car? if so what has been done & what still needs to be done?
If he does buy the car, my friend asks if there would be any chance of you meeting him in Dover to exchange the car& he would pay you costs?
Sorry for so many questions but my friend needs to certain that everything is ok before he can make any decision & comes over from germany.
Thanking you in advance.
1ste Antwort:
The car is still for sale. Immaculate condition, no damages, nothing to worry about. All necessary documents available. My current location is Ellon in Scotland, i`m 56 years old, my husband died 2 months ago. If this is going to be a quick sale, I will list it on eBay for £4,800 delivered at my costs.
I decided to list it on eBay with a buy it now option and whoever wins it will be the next owner. I assume you already have an account with eBay. If not please register and let me know when you are ready so I can just email you the link.
If you'd like to secure the deal before anybody else does, then please buy it on eBay. Feel free to ask me any questions.
The deal will go strictly according to eBay Money Back Guarantee Protection Buyer rules and policy.
Thank you
The best way to complete this transaction, because of the distance problem (I'm in Ellon, the car is already in eBay custody, into their warehouse here in Scotland), is to use eBay Money Back Guarantee. They will handle everything for both of us, including transportation and transfer of the car papers to your name. You don't have to pay anything extra, the total price that you must pay for this car is £4,800
-Here is how the transaction will go on:
-I will make a private eBay listing for you.
-You will have to click "buy it now", fill in the forms and follow the instructions.
-eBay will send you an invoice with all the transaction details and the payment instructions.
-You will have to secure the funds to eBay.
-After the funds will be secured to eBay, the delivery will begin and the car will arrive to you in max. 48 hours.
-When the car will be in your custody, you will have a 3 days inspection period. If everything is alright, the transaction ends and eBay will release the money to me. If there is something wrong with the car, you will be fully refunded and I'll get my car back too, without any extra fees.
Everything is covered by eBay. I will get paid only after you confirm that you received it. I would need your ebay username so I can send you the link. I'm waiting for your reply.
Thank you.
Meine Bedenken: -Wer sorgt für einen Transport über so eine grosse Distanz zum gleichen Preis, wie der angesetzte Verkaufspreis
-der Karren steht plötzlich in Schottland
-über den link, der mir bei Sofortkaufzusage gesendet wird, erfolgt der deal (Manipulationsmöglichkeit/sieht nur so aus, als sei es offiziell ne ebay-seite - gab es ja wohl alles schon )
-Drücken auf die Tränendrüse "my husband died 2months ago"
sorry für den langen Text, aber eure Meinung ist mir wichtig. Man kennt die Scheisse ja von diversen Plattformen hier im Lande.
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