generator scratched.
heavy wear slip-rings,
diodes was barbaric repair,
bearings are dead,
does't make sense to repair.
probably, can't live.
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generator scratched.
heavy wear slip-rings,
diodes was barbaric repair,
bearings are dead,
does't make sense to repair.
probably, can't live.
Hi Roman,
You can also install the generator of Granada, Taunus, Capri and Sierra.
With the right support there is no problem.
The linked will not fit.
Hi Roman,
You can also install the generator of Granada, Taunus, Capri and Sierra.
With the right support there is no problem.
The linked will not fit.
Yes, I can use from any V6 Cologne motor, but I can not. :)
Newer generators have bulk. refubrished can be bought for 50EUR. used ~20EUR.
one that I have, been subjected to violence, and the cost of repairing it exceeds reasonable.
may be possibly use generator "from link" as spares (for diodes, etc)?
I persist in originally direction taken was I start working with my Ford:
basis: "M-Series" technology level & no transistors inside main systems:
only relay and contacts & minimun of electric (only original wiring).
Now only the original radio contains transistors :D
it may seem strange, but it is my whim. just for fun.
modern systems around me, and so more than.
every day troubles with computer systems in my work enough, due to my proffesion. ;)
Where's the problem?
The younger alternators have the regulator attached, which you replaced with a charcoal holder and can then use the original controller on.
Where's the problem?
The younger alternators have the regulator attached, which you replaced with a charcoal holder and can then use the original controller on.
yes, can.
but back cover (with diodes and pcb) is damaged :(
a "proletarian-kolhoznik" possibly try repair.
It certainly worked, but for me it is not acceptable.
did you ever try the K I S S approach to a problem ?
sorry for off-topic.
should be possible to send an generator to st. petersburg by mail?
next to my shop is a post office, i will ask on monday. generator of the late 20m P5-series should be the same, or not?
i got one spare, but i have to test it first.
did you ever try the K I S S approach to a problem ?
what is "K I S S"?
K eep
I t
S imple
S tupid...
sorry for off-topic.
should be possible to send an generator to st. petersburg by mail?
next to my shop is a post office, i will ask on monday. generator of the late 20m P5-series should be the same, or not?
yes, no problems with pay & send.
I can pay inside EU, & have post address in Germany & in Suomi.
in any country no problems with idiots who shove their hands to the should not be.
In Russia, these people have a nominal name "Kolhoznik" :)
also, people with this "thinking model" involved in tuning,
and are the object of ridicule and jokes, typical "kolhoz tuning":
important elements of the tuning is:
Blue LEDs
Aerodynamic elements such as grader and a bench
sparco stickers
pipe instead of silencer
K eep
I t
S imple
S tupid...
apparently because it did previously...
but this is my favorite toy, I should know that everything tiptop :)
i didnt think that it is possible to make a lada more ugly than it is-but it is possible... 8|
so, i will check the generator on monday,if it works i can send it to you.
16 pages of google-search for lada tuning-finally, i found one i would drive myself:
ok, I think no problems with repair here, if generator complete.
i didnt think that it is possible to make a lada more ugly than it is-but it is possible.
Yes, I have to sometimes endure in live!
Alles anzeigeni didnt think that it is possible to make a lada more ugly than it is-but it is possible... 8|
so, i will check the generator on monday,if it works i can send it to you.
16 pages of google-search for lada tuning-finally, i found one i would drive myself:
very rare. the self-cost of it - twice more than new car.
kolhotz means farmer, right?
maybe trade the generator for one of these?
kolhotz means farmer, right?
maybe trade the generator for one of these?
no farmers. same to theoretically.
Kolkhoz chairman:
- Two years ago we planted 100 hectares of wheat and all ate by hamsters,
in last year we planted 300 hectares of wheat - and it is also eaten by hamsters,
the following year, we will sow 500 hectares of wheat, - let the hamsters choke!
in reality, the Soviet management to destroy all agriculture and the most competent and qualified peoples. :(
what they have done and are doing now is called "Genocide".
but we are not so easy to choke, but in Europe too, honey, not plastered. I have the opportunity to compare.
in general this topic is very extensive and complicated. for me this is also particularly painful.
got one, yet?
i think i have a LiMa from a 20m p7b.
has pretty worked till i changed the engine and also changed the LiMa.
i´ll PN you if you want it
...hm, a message from a parallel universe!
hello stranger!
tell your tenturenumber. I will write....
currently operates another offer, until it somehow incomplete, I can not enter into other agreements.
got one, yet?
i think i have a LiMa from a 20m p7b.
has pretty worked till i changed the engine and also changed the LiMa.
i´ll PN you if you want it
Do you have one now?