Oldtimer Teile Händler?

  • Gibt es ein paar Ford Händler in D,die dass sind verständnisvoll für Oldtimer Teile?

    Ich suche auf eine Tankgeber für der XR4i

  • Dude, don't get upset, but I'd try a scrapyard first. Or a normal partsdealer. Sierras are not old enough for parts to be sold by a specialist. Besides, do I remember right, you are from UK? If you can not find it on the island then you will not find it anywhere else, see Ford Germany doesn't do shit to keep old cars goin'. The only reason that things are still around is because the old ones are reliable enough, and the classics are driven by people who are stobern enough to keep 'em on the streets.

  • Yes Zombie,from the UK. I just picture in my minds eye,that there's one sitting on a shelf somewhere gathering dust. I've tried FordpartsUK,who have apparently purchased Sierra parts from Dagenham,but no joy

  • Hi,
    the one u need,is this that one with or without fuelpump?
    Which Modelyear?


  • The year is August 1983 with trip computer.

    It has no fuel outlets at the top,just the electrical socket. The fuel is fed out from the bottom of the tank to the external pump