@llegal,the only thing I'll give Nick is dress and some high heel shoes
oh boy I believe Paul did blend right in here
p.s. sierras suck ass!
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@llegal,the only thing I'll give Nick is dress and some high heel shoes
oh boy I believe Paul did blend right in here
p.s. sierras suck ass!
dress and high heels? goldies boutique?
In Brazil,VW and Ford have an interesting relationship,they produced a mutant version of the Escort/Orion,the VW apollo/Ford Verona,I want one ;( :)
WTF! Das is ja lustig. Wieder was dazugelernt.
holy moley.
Seih Geil
Oh! Ein Ford Ascona.
This joint venture was called someting like " Autolatina " - the worst of both worlds...traction on the wrong axle, luckily it didn't last long..