Abmaße P7b-Motorhaube

  • Kann mir mal schnell wer ne P7b-Motorhaube ausmessen? b x l x h? bitte, danke.

  • was heist schnell? wennste warten kannst bis ich wieder in die halle Fahre...

  • Hallo!

    Are you receive my SMS?
    1240 x 1200 x 100 mm a.maximum
    18kg netto w. , 20kg max I think.
    Super Danke!!! :spitze:

    Kann mir mal schnell wer ne P7b-Motorhaube ausmessen? b x l x h? bitte, danke.

  • didn´t recived you my answer? :wonder: i also need the full adress in lappeenranta, i loosed it... :D

  • Hallo!
    no answer received. :huh:
    I send address to you at evening.

    Mobile operators from Hell! :seuffearbeit:

    Thank you very much!

    didn´t recived you my answer? :wonder: i also need the full adress in lappeenranta, i loosed it... :D

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von rtype ()

  • oh, ok! maybe a problem by sending to russia. firstly content must be checked by BND and SVR :laugh:

  • Hallo!

    SE>oh, ok! maybe a problem by sending to russia. firstly content must be checked by BND and SVR :laugh:

    Yes, it was a very valuable message in terms of intelligence service. 8)
    Next year can be used by huge group of a special agents

    for decrypting and understanding what this message means.

    maybe you received it with the number of gateway, but not with my number, and answered to gateway number.
    my number ends *7878, but no problem :)

    delayed at work, probably evening will be very late.

  • jaja, war früh am morgen und ich noch nich wach. roman hat mich schon verstanden.

  • Hallo!

    jaja, war früh am morgen und ich noch nich wach. roman hat mich schon verstanden.

    The first thought: Früh Kölsch at morning, idea not so good. The Kohl- oder Gurkensalzwasser is much better....


  • yes. they are TOO small. but only in weird cities like colone or Duesseldorf and their neighborhood they are drinking beer out of that kind of "test-tubes".

  • Hallo!
    yes, it's very strange tradition. Probably not to poison ;)
    such test tubes are optimum for vodka.

    yes. they are TOO small. but only in weird cities like colone or Duesseldorf and their neighborhood they are drinking beer out of that kind of "test-tubes".

  • i broke my thumb that day, though i'm trained in drinking half liters or whole liters.
    i think the guilt lies at se, because he was drunk and wasn't able at all to carry me to the trainstation without dropping me.
    no small beer for se anymore.
    cheers and nastrowje oder wie das heisst.

  • Hallo!

    Sebastian not tell me about that result.
    God sees that I would not wish such outcome anybody.
    I hope a thumb already fine and we can continue yet training at spring. :D
    Possible to take normal cups and can't use Duesseldorf's test tubes :uglybeer:

    i broke my thumb that day, though i'm trained in drinking half liters or whole liters.
    i think the guilt lies at se, because he was drunk and wasn't able at all to carry me to the trainstation without dropping me.
    no small beer for se anymore.
    cheers and nastrowje oder wie das heisst.