P7 front suspension: ball joint and arm

  • Hi!

    Now I began to do the front suspension, and discovered an strange fact:
    Ball joint fasten to the bottom of track control arm on P7.
    I looked up a similar place on P3 - a flange of ball joint fasten to the top of track control arm.

    In WHB and P7 original parts I see as in my P7. At P3 I see another solution, but this is on rivets - i.e. from factory...
    What's right? (I fasten ball joints under arm as in manual, but decided to check)


    P7: Ball Joint flange under arm

    This i see on P3: Ball Joint flange upper than arm

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von rtype ()

  • hi!

    Thanks, I'm well placed. :)
    P3 will be parsed later: manufacturer error or difference in construction...

    Moin rtype,
    "Ball Joint flange under arm " ist richtig.

  • Da P3, P5 und P7 aber die selben Querlenker haben, kann ich´s mir beim P3 nicht anders vorstellen.

  • hi!
    As I understand no big differences in suspension btw P3 P5 P7.
    I am troubled at the ball location on real P3. And there "factory" - on rivets.
    That P3 :)

    Da P3, P5 und P7 aber die selben Querlenker haben, kann ich´s mir beim P3 nicht anders vorstellen.

    Super Dank!